That’s Not How Men Work Review: What Is He Really Thinking About?

That's Not How Men Work Learn How Now

February 12, 2023 in How Men Think

Relationship advice is everywhere. It’s literary a dime a dozen in today’s world. Some of it is good. A lot of it is unbelievably bad. It is understandable if you are not keen to read about it anymore. Before you throw in the towel though, check out today’s product review.

The woman who created the product under review today has two interesting titles to her name. The first is “World’s Number One Wing Girl”. The second is “World’s Best Female Pick-Up Artist”

A wing girl has one purpose. Help a guy go from ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ to ‘Mr. Freaking Awesome Gotta Have Guy,’ or something in that arena. To earn the title of “World’s Number One Wing Girl” or “World’s Best Female Pick-Up Artist” means only one thing. You are extremely good at what you do. So let’s check it out.

That’s Not How Men Work

This book is a relationship step-by-step how-to guide that is one hundred and eighty-one pages in length. It is a digital product and it comes in pdf format.

This book sets the record straight once and for all about men. They are indeed different. It goes above and beyond the usual relationship advice. The information in this book comes straight from the horse’s mouth. From men themselves. Men have shared with Marni things that they only share with other guys. These things, if known by women, would definitely give them a leg up when it comes to building great relationships with men.

In this program, you will learn secrets such as that men are terrified of rejection. They also can’t read your signals. In addition, you will learn that they are greatly aware of failing the expectations of women.

Program Details

That’s Not How Men Workbook has four chapters. Those chapters are:

  1. Turn Yourself On To Turn Him On
  2. The Evolution Of Attraction
  3. Nailing The Approach
  4. Putting Practice Into Perfection

Following is a summary of each chapter.

  1. Turn Yourself On To Turn Him On

The focus of the first chapter, therefore, is you. I love that this is the program’s starting off point. Success in anything in life always starts with an understanding of self.

Marni really drives this point home when she says,

It hit me—I was dating the wrong men because I was not yet the right woman. I had no clue who I was, what I wanted, or what my boundaries were. I didn’t know my values or what I was really looking for in a partner. Instead, I was looking to these men to tell me or at least show me the way.

You know you are in for an illuminating session of knowled\ge and learning when the author of the relationship guide you are reading is that self-aware.

You will be taken through a series of exercises to help you discover yourself. Those exercises include.

– The Brain Dump

– The 6 Task Questionnaire

– Awesome You, Awesome Him Lists

– Value Discovery

These and other exercises help you discover who you are as a woman. Among other things, you will learn what you truly want from a relationship. Not what others say you should expect. Also, you will uncover what things that turn you on and things that turn you off.

You will build up a great sense of self-worth and as a result self-confidence and self-esteem. These make a fantastic and solid foundation for future great relationships with others.

  1. The Evolution Of Attraction

A friendly warning before I give you a sneak peek into this chapter. You are going to want to resist the truth in what you learn in this chapter. Don’t.

The second chapter (Evolution of Attraction) is where the proverbial cat is let out of the bag. It’s where those who are open-minded will definitely get their money’s worth. This is the chapter that sets this book apart from others claiming to be like it. If you read it with an open mind it will be the last relationship guide you will have to read for a very long time. Warning now complete.

This chapter starts off by letting you know things have changed. How men and women relate to each other and conduct relationships has changed. One notable change is the increase in online dating.

What has not changed though is how women view and understand men. The lack of change in this area is causing many women to either date the wrong type of men or avoid dating altogether.

Find out what has changed and how those changes impact relationships.

  1. Nailing The Approach

The third chapter addresses the crucial first step. It builds on the premise that you only get one chance to make a good first impression. This is a refreshing chapter. Especially for today’s modern woman. No more smile and look pretty advice.

Making the first move is always tough. Even for men. In this program, you learn that it is okay for a woman to make the first move. It shows you how to do it all while maintaining your femininity and not reducing a man’s sense of masculinity in any way.

  1. Putting Practice Into Perfection

The fourth and final chapter is all about practice. Practice is what makes you pull off the tips and techniques in this program like a true professional. You will come across like a complete natural. Guys will not know what hit them.

This chapter takes you through all the possible scenarios you may encounter. You will learn exactly what to do and what not to do. This chapter cements the knowledge you acquire from the previous chapters.

Relationship Expert Marni Kinrys

Marni has used an educational background in psychology to become a self-taught relationship expert. An expert who has gone on to earn the titles mentioned earlier. She has over ten years of experience in the personal relationship industry.

You may have seen or read about her in either of the following media publications or shows.

– CNN,

– Dr. Drew

 Fox News

– The Los Angeles Times


– The Soup

– The Huffington Post

– The Chicago Tribune

– Marie Claire

– Elle

– Men’s Health

– Women’s Health

– Loveline

– BlackBook

– Penthouse


– Asylum

– Daily Beast

Marni is also an author. Some of her books are:

– Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman

– Get inside Her: The Female Perspective: Dirty Secrets from a Woman on How to Attract, Seduce and Get Any Female You Want

While all her previous works focus on men, today’s product is designed specifically for women. It is called That’s Not How Men Work. As a relationship expert working primarily with men, Marni has picked up a lot of valuable pieces of information on the inner workings of the male species. This program reveals what she has learned.

Marni was motivated to write this guide because at a dinner with some of her girlfriends she realized that their complaints about men were based on inaccurate information.

More Details on That’s Not How Men Work

That’s Not How Men Work presents a step-by-step process that covers a wide range of issues, including:

Become Aware of Mindset Behaviors – The first step explains all you need to know about mindset behaviors so that you may learn how to turn relationships around and never damage one again.

Maintaining healthy relationships – This part discusses how to keep the man engaged so that your relationship does not quickly devolve from good to terrible.

Discover how he genuinely feels about you – at this point, the author will assist you in identifying your man’s expectations and ideas so that he feels more secure in the relationship.

Earning the label – Also known as the commitment phase which will teach you how to tame him so that he eventually identifies you as his forever companion.

Knowing if he is the “one” saves you time, energy, emotions, and money on guys who are not good for you. The author provides several case studies that can assist you in determining whether or not the man you are with will commit.

Make him appreciate you more – The final stage gives you some useful ways for being your best self so that the man in your life is more interested and attracted to you.

Benefits of That’s Not How Men Works

There are various advantages of That’s Not How Men Work for women, some of them are as follows:

The eBook was authored by a qualified and experienced author.

Because it was created by an experienced and professional author, you may be confident that the That’s Not How Men Workbook provides practical guidance. The top Wing Girl has worked with a large number of guys to understand the key components of their psychology to assist women in having wonderful relationships with the men they love.

It provides new relationship advice.

Going through the book’s content will be like having a light bulb moment as you go through all six steps. It will be unlike anything you have ever read on the internet or in a book, and most importantly, the advice presented will be beneficial to your relationship.

Benefits – In addition to the content provided by the That’s Not How Men Work eBook pdf, it also includes various bonuses that you may really benefit from.

Reasonably priced –

You will be getting a great deal at the price the eBook is being sold for. For only $47, you’ll have a thorough handbook in your hands that is guaranteed to improve your life for the better.

60-day money-back guarantee

If by 60 days you are not happy with the results of the That’s Not How Men Work program, there is no need to worry as you can always send it back and get a full refund.

Program Free Gifts with Purchase

Your purchase of this relationship how-to guide comes with two free gifts.

  1. Unlock His Secrets

This first free gift shows you how to crack the code once and for all to even the most disinterested man’s heart. Doing this makes the man feel free to share his deepest and most intimate feelings without you having to beg.

  1. Confessions From A Wing Girl: Top Male Attraction Secrets With Bernardo Mendez

This second free gift is a summary of an interview done with Bernardo Mendez at a Deeper Lover Summit. Bernardo, or Bern as Marni calls him, is also a relationship and dating expert. This gift reveals how to find deep timeless love.

Refund Policy

Reviews show that thousands of women are loving this program. They are using it to get the love lives they deserve. Marni is extremely confident about the positive results. She has even tried some of the techniques and tips wearing no makeup and dressed in baggy clothes. This she did just to prove that the program does not require you to be a bombshell model.

However, this may not be your experience with the program. If that is the case, a sixty-day money-back guarantee has been made available. No questions asked.


This book contains a treasure trove of information. It’s a program written and created by an insider into the man’s world. With the added perspective of being written by a woman.

– You learn why men who were once over the top interested in you suddenly turn ice cold.

– How to get a man to make the center of attention in his life. Choosing you over PlayStation and the boys.

– Why men are reluctant to show you their feelings.

– The fears that keep them from approaching women.

– How to go from the friend zone to the lover’s zone.


This book helps you grab the attention of any guy. Guys you never thought you could attract. Guys who want to talk to you and only you. it is definitely a powerful tool. Reviews show that this book is not just for those who are dating. You can also use it to improve the relationship you are currently in.

You should definitely buy this program if you want to learn the truth about men. Marni has done all the hard work for you. This is a simple and easy book to read. You can read it in just an hour.

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4.8/5 - (13 votes)

About the author 

Ellery Cross

Ellery Cross has been in and out of relationships, and hasn’t been able to find the right one until now. She knows how to seduce him, and get him to commit to her and only her - and writes about the specific courses she used to get that!

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  1. My ex-girlfriend used this on me and we wouldn’t have separated if her interest in me did not decrease. But she left this behind with her stuff. When I went through it, as a man I completely understand why I am so crazy about her, even now after she left me. Have to say, this is really great!

  2. When you get your hand on the guide, you will promptly get to a That’s Not How Men Work program that will control you, well ordered, on the best way to get a man to pursue you, need you, focus on you, and cherish you profoundly.

  3. That’s just cool! you wouldn’t know all these things about men without reading this one. I never knew this much about the relationship and all. Definitely a good piece for reading and fixing your broken relationship

  4. I learned so much from this program! This gave me so many clues and answers to what went wrong. A big thank you!! 😀

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  8. When you read it deeply, you will learn ways by which you can make him treat you much better and eventually how you will have the relationship you always have deserved.

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