Male Enhancement Coach Review: Methods to Grow Your Member

Male Enhancement Coach Learn From The Expert

February 11, 2023 in Male Enhancement

Male enhancement coach is a one-of-a-kind, personalized penis enhancement training system. A chance to review this was naturally something that got me very excited.

But first, a bit of introduction. This product is one of the most effective penis enhancement tools due to the one-on-one expert guidance you receive. Among other amazing feats, this product has helped thousands of clients achieve –

  • Growth of 2-3 inches in the length of their penis
  • A significant increase in the girth of the penis
  • Capacity to maintain harder erections
  • Stamina for endless sex sessions

These outstanding results were achieved by everyone who faithfully went through with this program. This is the most amazing part – other enhancement products only work for some people, at best. This is because they rely on a fixed methodology that they sell that rarely, if ever, has a greater than 20%-30% range of success.


In contrast, this program doesn’t offer you access to a fixed enhancement program. Remember, even the best-designed enhancement programs have only a 30% success rate.

Rather, this product takes a radically different approach to penis enhancement. But, again, this is something that I loved about this product. Instead of tailoring a program that fits everyone, this program recognizes that we’re all different.

And rather than trying to fight that difference in a world of standardization, this program instead appoints experts to design the perfect enhancement plan for you. That brings the success rate of this program close to 100%. You hopefully see now how there isn’t anything even remotely close to this product in the market right now. This is what my initial excitement was founded upon.

That brings the success rate of this program close to 100%. You hopefully see now how there isn’t anything even remotely close to this product in the market right now. This is what my initial excitement was founded upon.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) fails to get or maintain a firm enough erection for sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is sometimes referred to as impotence, though this term is becoming less popular.

Occasional ED visits are not uncommon. Many people have it when they are under stress. Frequent ED visits, on the other hand, can be a sign of underlying health issues that require attention. It could also be a sign of emotional or relationship issues that you should discuss with a professional.

What Causes An Erection?

ED can occur due to issues at any stage of the erection process. An erection is caused by increased blood flow to the penis. Sexual thoughts or direct contact with your penis are known to increase blood flow.

When a person with a penis becomes sexually excited, a muscle within the penis’ blood vessels relaxes. This increases blood flow through the penile arteries, filling two chambers within the penis. As a result, the penis becomes rigid as the chambers fill with blood. When the muscles in the blood vessels contract, the aggregated blood can flow through the penile veins, the erection is over.

Who is this product for?

Have you ever wished that you could last longer in bed, maintain a harder erection, have a thicker, longer penis, and in general be able to please a girl better and have her moaning in pleasure? If so, this product is for you.

The team of coaches behind this product is led by the legendary AJ ‘Big Al” Alfaro, who has been featured on primetime TV for his expertise in penis enhancement. He has further written numerous books on the subject, and with 18 years of experience, he is acclaimed as one of the world’s most skilled penis enhancement trainers.

Each coach on the team receives personal training and instruction from Big Al himself. They are trained to recognize a variety of defects and to provide the very best, most effective solutions.

Understanding Male Enhancement Coach

Before you start reading the book, it’s a good idea to know what kind of information you’ll be getting. This will allow you to make the most progress once you get started. In addition, understanding the methods and techniques discussed in Male Enhancement Coach is important for correctly and successfully employing them. Because this is exactly what the author does, this book has become popular with numerous positive reviews.

The eBook starts with a PDF. This covers all of the fundamentals of the book. You can also determine what type of problem you are having. The author then explains why the book is the best solution available. The writing style is straightforward to grasp. Then you’re shown everything you could need to know about why your male organ isn’t bringing your partners to you.

The book focuses on resolving the issues that come with having a penis that isn’t up to par. There are numerous programs available on the market similar to this one. Unfortunately, many of the promises made by these programs are similar to those made by AJ Alfaro. This is the main reason for Male Enhancement Coach’s skepticism. The main difference is that the information in this book contains a lot of truth.

Male Enhancement Coach

What this product does

At this point, you may be wondering how exactly does this product achieves the incredible results it promises? Before diving into this, let me highlight the top promises made by this product:

  • Consistent, rock-hard erections
  • More than 2 inches in penis length
  • More than 1 inch in penis girth
  • Cure erectile dysfunction
  • Increase stamina and last for hours in bed
  • Stop premature ejaculation and having multiple orgasms
  • Increase their confidence, pleasure, sex lives
  • Help fight pornography addiction

Ok, that’s a lot of amazing things. But how do they do it?

While the exact program would, of course, vary by person (that’s kind of the point behind “personalized”), in general, the advanced techniques utilized by the coaches in this program include:

  1. Exercises to stretch the tunica. This directly correlates to the growth of the penis.
  2. Exercises to expand smooth muscle. This helps grow the girth of the penis.
  3. Exercises to train the vascular system. There is a direct link between the quality of erections and the vascular system’s health.

“That’s great,” you may say, “But I don’t have any experience with any of these exercises. Can I still complete this program?”

Indeed, you can. You see, one of the best features of this program is that it is not selective. You need absolutely no experience to start with this program. The experts will tailor the program exactly to your needs. Thus, you can begin from scratch and still achieve outstanding results.

This is not to say that more seasoned veterans will not find much value in this product. However, the experts have many tricks up their sleeves that will surprise and impress even those that have scoured the market for every penis enhancement tip available.

Do these exercises work?

Now, Most people who have tried penis exercises have reported failure to achieve. This, however, does not necessarily mean that the exercises are themselves ineffective. Instead, it is usually one of three reasons that are the cause of such failure.

  • People do the correct exercise incorrectly for their situation
  • They do the incorrect exercise for their situation
  • People have no feedback mechanism to know how and when to progress to more advanced variations.

Note these problems are common to virtually all one-size-fits-all enhancement programs. But, on the other hand, a one-on-one coach takes away all these roadblocks.

With a personalized coach, you need not worry about doing the incorrect exercises. Instead, experts with years of experience in the field will choose the perfect, most effective exercise for your exact needs.

Further, you will receive detailed, nuanced guidance on how to perform each exercise, how to verify that you are using the correct form, and how to progress to more advanced stuff.

Therefore, it stands to reason that if exercises indeed work, they would do so when administered by a one-on-one coach and not a generally fixed structure program.

My experiences

My experience with this product was nothing short of outstanding. After having tried numerous penis enhancement products without any success, I had grown tired and weary of scams in the guise of penis enhancement guides.

Therefore, when I first saw this product, I cautioned it. However, this product had a unique, reassuring feel about it even from the outset. It seemed to make far more logical sense to prescribe personal trainers than claiming that a fixed program could achieve incredible results forever.

For these reasons, I decided to go ahead and buy this product. I have not regretted it for a moment since.

At the outset, I was introduced to my personal coach, who was this friendly but professional guy in his 30’s. He meticulously asked for many details about my goals, health conditions, etc., before coming up with a training program tailored to my needs.

He didn’t just stop there, however. The coach painstakingly explained how each exercise was to be done (and how it was not to be done), how I could check my performance and when I should progress onto tougher versions. Then, after making sure I understood, he took the time to answer all my questions thoroughly.

Additional Helpful Services Included In The Program

This program’s model will allow you to measure and track your results in the same way that bodybuilders do. You will learn exercises that will stretch and lengthen your penis. One of the program’s best features is that if you cannot perform a particular exercise, you will get coaching to help you succeed. This feature is part of the price of your purchase.

After you’ve finished downloading the program, you’ll have access to several extremely useful services. This includes your initial report download. This is where you will be able to ascertain your status, the particular goals you will be able to achieve, the state of your health, and a variety of male enhancement reports.

In addition, you will get the Coach Guide. This is important if you have any problems with any techniques or methods for building your penis. You will get motivation and encouragement. You can use this feature by contacting the author and his team via chat programs such as Skype or email.

Subliminal Benefits

For me, this product came at a time when I desperately needed it. I didn’t just need the physical changes in appearance and performance, I was after the more subliminal gains that accompanied these, the gains in sexual confidence and overcoming of porn addiction.

Thankfully, the coaches behind this product have a very holistic understanding of sexual issues and do not focus on size to the exclusion of all else. They understand the more indirect, psychological consequences of being imperfect in bed and give you strategies to tackle them – leaving you free to be a total animal in bed, in both bodies as well as the mind.

For me, using this product was like a second awakening. I went from being an awkward, clumsy person who could never last long enough to a smooth, confident man that would have every girl raving about his sexual powers.

My only regret would be that I didn’t find a product like this sooner. A tool like this that would give me endless, mind-blowing sex would have been perfect for the social environments prevalent in college, from which I was mostly withdrawn due to my insecurities and feelings of inadequacy.

If only how easy it was, with expert help, to transform my penis as well as sexual capacity, I would maybe have never felt so paralyzed and doomed at the thought of sexual encounters.

Nevertheless, I can positively say that this book saved me. Or more accurately, saved my sex life.

Consistent results

The amazing results that I achieved using this product are by no means an aberration. Indeed, thousands of people who have used this product have had similar things to say, and hundreds of positive reviews bear testimony to the effectiveness of this product.

Closer to home, I recommended this product to a few of my friends, after trying it out and finding myself highly impressed with the results. My friends, without exception, came back with raving reviews about the product.

And while I haven’t actually checked their gains, girls in their lives have confirmed to me that there was indeed large and dramatic changes. One of them even asked me “I don’t understand how my boyfriend went from being O.K. in bed to an absolute fucking machine in a few weeks”.


These consistent results kept coming back again and again as I checked with a wider circle of people who had tried this product. An elderly man told me that after having tried everything unsuccessfully, he was now having the best sex of his life after using this product. And that was at the age of 65!

Another man told me about his crippling problems with erectile dysfunction. He said that for years doctors had failed to provide effective remedies, and therefore, for years he had virtually no sex life. This changed drastically when he brought this product –with a few simple exercises and expert tips, he was able to regain his lost vigor and have sex like never before.

Male Enhancement Coach


• Quick results. Forget about the drugs that you take for months and still no results. The Male Enhancement Coach is created to make sure that you will get results within the shortest time possible.

• There are no side effects related to this guide. It is such a smart guide that everything provided is natural. This makes sure that there are no side effects of the techniques given.

• Works for everyman. If you feel like you have struggled too much then this is the program that is going to work for you. It does not matter the current size of your penis.

• Consistent. Unlike other programs, the benefits that you get from this program will be there to last. You will get the kind of power that will remain.

• Easy to understand and simple methods or tricks to apply. Forget about some difficult procedures that people always want to talk about. With this guide, you are provided with very simple techniques that are easy to apply.

• Provides additional benefits. With this guide, you will not only be able to enhance your penis size, but you will also be able to maintain an erection and last longer.


• Requires one to take the time to read and follow the instructions correctly.

• It might not work for men with some health problems.


It is impossible to define this product in any way that is complete and sufficient. That is because this product is, essentially, unique to every person that uses it. And this uniqueness, in fact, forms the most important selling point of this product.

You see, far from reviewing a product, in this case, what I was reviewing was a process. A process aimed at arriving at the most effective product that will deliver results for you, and not just to a statistical percentage of people.

This process is highly fine-tuned, with a proprietary method developed by AJ himself being applied to your unique case.

And the process is able to deliver results, better than any one-size-fits-all program ever could. This is brought forth by the countless positive reviews received by this product by people of all ages, experience levels, health conditions, and even genetic predispositions.

I believe that this product is a stepping stone towards a revolution in modern medical science – towards tailored products guaranteed to work for you, and away from products that only work for the statistically “average” person.

Regardless, as a means of penis enlargement, boosting sexual stamina and fixing common sexual issues like erectile dysfunction, this product is unparalleled. For anyone looking to enhance their sex lives to a whole new level, to please their partners in ways they never imagined, and to look in the mirror without ever feeling insecure again, this product is perhaps the only one on the market that is guaranteed to deliver results.


Start Growing Your Manhood, and rest easy knowing that she will feel completely satisfied and pleased with your performance with this guide!

4.9/5 - (9 votes)

About the author 

Riley James

Riley has been insecure about his size and inexperience, plus the fact that whenever he finally got in he would come in seconds. Now, he’s finally improved his manhood, and wants to share that blessing with other guys by talking about his favorite products.

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  1. It’s a sensitive topic that can affect your self-esteem. Size does matter so there is no point in saying that it doesn’t. This program lets you work on this issue in the privacy of your home.

  2. This is the best program for enhancement of penis. My husband tried a lot of medicines, but none of them worked. But this program is working. He got help from it, and everything is so natural that there was no harm or side effect.

  3. Men. I really think that you need to check this out. This one is special. The male enhancement coach has changed my life in a big way. I never thought that there is in any way i could get a guide that works so well. The author of this guide has provided very useful information that as a man you will not find anywhere. I no longer waste money on supplements and other things. These techniques are really easy to apply.

  4. Very many people really wonder where i get all this strength. The truth is that i have discovered something made for men and i am sharing my experience today. Male enhancement coach is the best male enhancement tool i have ever come across. Very affordable but effective.

  5. When i saw very many men talk about how they have used this system i decided i will not be left out. It is a system that has been praised a lot by many men and for sure it deserves this. I wanted to have a bugger penis size and i decided to get the system. Works very well and the tips here are excellent.

  6. The program itself is made up of a variety of specialized penis exercises which are among the safest methods of enlargement.Within the website there are several categories of material that are structured to eliminate confusion. It starts with an interview, then a beginner’s guide, and lastly, advanced techniques are introduced. Additional information is supplied that’s beneficial in other ways such as how to deal with premature ejaculation, penis curvatures, and more.To improve your chances of getting good results, there’s a panel of experts available to help you. These coaches are there to answer questions and provide advice.

  7. The end results of this exercise will be the male organ being harder, thicker and longer. This will make it the penis that you need to make sure that you can pleasure a woman properly and also get all the fun as you want. This is the dream that every sexually active man wants.

  8. You will have the rock hard erections; you will improve your penis size quickly, achieve the inches in girth, and get 2 inches in penis’s length.

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