The Penis Enlargement Bible Review: What’s The Best Way To Enlarge It?

The Penis Enlargement Bible Get Confidence In Size Now

February 6, 2023 in Male Enhancement

Hey, guys let me share my own experience in this review. Here’s hoping it will be useful for you.

We all know that when the topic is about our best friend, we all get a bit sensitive.

What can affect us more than speaking about our best friend? Size is one of the biggest taboos ever. However, just because we don’t talk about it, doesn’t mean it is not an issue.

Do you know what is the biggest lie of all women after a fake orgasm? Of course, it is, “size doesn’t matter”. Still, it is a topic to be commented about, so maybe it does.

Almost like telling a woman that you don’t care about how she looks. I mean, inner beauty is important, but man, if she doesn’t have a nice body, would you have even considered picking her up in the bar? Well, I don’t think so.

Same with the ladies, if they could pick us according to our sizes, who do you think would be the lucky guys?

The Ugly Truth

Can you guess what is the number one fantasy among men?

  • Threesomes
  • Swingers
  • Maid girls
  • Foreign girls who don’t speak the same language

Yes, you guessed it: A THREESOME, two girls, and a guy. But, what about women? Well, the same but, for them, it’s two guys. However, around 80% of men are not even considering to full fill women fantasies, not because of jealousy, but because they are afraid that the other guy will be bigger and after getting laid, she will choose him.

Did you know that 60% of grown-ups are afraid of going to pee in public toilets? This is not because of pervs, I can assure you that. Mostly, it is because they don’t feel confident with their size. Seeing another guy peeing close, with a bigger dick, is sort of a confident killer.

Confidence in size

It is a known fact that size also affects confidence. For the most part, if you don’t feel confident about your dick size, you might also feel self-conscious when picking up girls.

I can assure you that, if you had a good size, you wouldn’t care about it. You will go and pick her up because, if you are lucky, after the bar, you are confident that she will be satisfied. And that is a huge confidence boost if you get what I mean.

Also, even your normal life will improve:

  • The way you walk
  • You feel more self-pride
  • More like an alpha

It’s really amazing what having a big dick can do for you. Not only for sex but also in your life.


Penis Enlargement Click it here

Get The Penis Enlargement Bible today, and you’ll learn all you need to know to finally get a bigger penis!

Less Size, Less of a man?

Please, don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to insult you or tell you that if your dick is not big enough you are a failure as a man. No, it’s just a fact about self-confidence. I have friends below average that are an exception to the rule, they are confident enough.

If you are confident enough with your actual size, that is great, but

  • If you have ever thought about getting bigger
  • Or you felt represented in the last points
  • Maybe you simply want it bigger.

Well, finally, I found a working solution for you. My experience was so amazing, I need to share with you the penis enlargement bible.

What is Penis Enlargement Bible?

Penis Enlargement Bible is an online program that shows you step-by-step how to increase your penis size. In this program, you will learn how to activate a chemical process in your penis that causes a growth surge. With this program, you will get the exact information needed to see results within a short time. When you go through the penis Enlargement Bible, you will see how to activate the natural reaction to increase your penis size by up to 4 inches and increase girth by 1 inch.

Penis Enlargement Bible involves a two-step process that is broken down for easy understanding. Inside this guide, you will find the list of ingredients, recommended supplements, learn some simple movements, and other interesting things. The good thing about this guide is that you only spend a few minutes each day to see a permanent result.

The Penis Enlargement Bible Get Confidence In Size Now

What you will find inside the Penis Enlargement Bible

This program is in a pdf format and contains 7 topics. To give you a clue, below are the topics to learn about inside the PE Bible:

  • Chapter one – Gain and maintain a hard, sensitive penis
  • Chapter two – Start penis growth
  • Chapter three – Stop premature ejaculation
  • Chapter four – Increase your ejaculation volume
  • Chapter five – Chinese herbs
  • Chapter six – Western supplements
  • Chapter seven – References

What are other users saying about the program?

So far, the reviews from the Penis Enlargement Bible have been a success. Most of the people that followed the guide shared their success stories online. The steps involved are proven to yield good results if you follow everything.


All of us have seen porn at least once in our lifetime. We can see in the movies, guys with a dick of crazy proportions that it’s difficult to imagine how they exist in their daily life.

This not being enough, all the advertisements and pop-ups in these pages are about enlargement. It’s not a coincidence, it’s what we all think at least once. Even if your size is average or a bit above average, you have contemplated the possibility of enlarging your penis.

Being cautious

What should you look and avoid?

  • Pills with artificial chemicals
  • External enlargement methods
  • Tide weights to you and lets it fall

Most of those “methods” are pills, some chemicals, and even weights. Yes, you tie a cord to your penis and let it hang with a weight.

What I want to say with this is: these are all lies! They won’t help, and quite the opposite, they will hurt you. They can even damage your dick, and you won’t be the same.

Thinking it through

The chemicals in the blood can lead to serious health problems. Just think of it, are you really so desperate to risk your own health in order to get an improvement?

Well, I beg you to think twice about it and read carefully what I found on Natural Penis Enlargement. This convinced me to get it, and not just that, it even worked.

Of course, uploading pictures will be rude. I will just say that, now, I can brag about my size without any problems. I feel so confident it shows on my face. My body language has also changed, it’s way easy to hook up with the ladies.

What is the Secret?

Drumroll please a mix between exercises and natural nutrients.

As Jon Collins explains better, it is to retake the process of puberty, naturally, restart this process and let your body do the magic.

What does this mean? During puberty, when the real growth happened, there was a specific biochemical process, in our body, that was in charge of the penis’ growth.

So, the trick is to provide the same biochemistry that our body produced at puberty. This will result in command to our body to grow it again.

“The length and girth of a man’s penis determine the level of his woman’s sexual satisfaction”

Change my body again?

Take this in mind, your body is designed to constantly change. Your current size is not the last size, it still can grow more.

Because it’s natural, it takes a few weeks, between 4-6, because this is not a miracle thing, it’s a natural growth. And, nature needs time to work its magic.

It’s as easy as you starting to take hormones that your body stopped producing, and you will see the growth, slowly but you will see it.


Also, in the guide, there are a few exercises that will maximize growth. Please don’t panic here, those have to be made by yourself, no extra equipment just yourself.

The exercises help the nutrients to stay a bit longer in the penis sections that are responsible for the growth.

Controlling your growth

One important thing: you need to be aware of when to interrupt the growth. I know, you can think: who will ever want his dick to stop growing?

However, after a while, you will see that is necessary to stop it, and that is also really easy. It takes just like 2 weeks to completely stop growing.

After you stop taking the nutrients and interrupt the exercises, your body will need time to fully eliminate the nutrients of your body. Then, the growth will stop.

This is another proof that the method is completely natural. Organic changes in the body do not happen instantaneously, it takes time for the body to get used to it and adapt.

The Penis Enlargement Bible Get Confidence In Size Now

With A Huge Dick, I’m Good to Go?

Well, actually, no. After you get an alpha male size, you have covered only one part, but still, there is work to be done.

It’s only that you show up, take out your penis, and expect magic to happen. You need to work on it, and Jim Collins also includes this in his method. As you can see in the different reviews, or after you buy it, there’s a handful of tricks and tips for that.

So, you might ask: Who needs a manual on how to properly use it?

I’m not trying to say that you must be doing something wrong, but there is always room for improvement no matter what, or who, you do.

Improvement and change are constant in life. Those tricks will help you to improve performance and avoid the cheap talk: “He has it big but didn’t know how to use it” or “I wish to combine his size with other guys’ experience.”

Besides, this is a bonus that you will get with the purchase, and will not harm you just to read it and maybe even use it.

You and your lady, mostly her, will appreciate you taking the time to improve.


  • 100% natural
  • You can find everything easily
  • Great to improve your life on all levels


  • Takes time
  • Takes patience


Well after a long search on the web, after trying many different methods, with no results at all. And after many good girls leaving extremely politely. I decided to trust Jon Colin’s method, not just because of price or other reviews, I made serious research.

  • Hours of explanations on how it can naturally grow
  • About the nutrients to use
  • The tricks and tips for bed.

It all worked! I wrote this because it really worked! I feel more confident with my size and myself, I have tried all the tricks.

Man, I got some regulars now, thanks to that. And now finding new girls is more of a “When” thing, rather than “How”.

Remember it’s not because you need it, or because you don’t have enough, it’s just if you want to be better, to improve and to be bigger, then try it you won’t regret it.


Penis enlargement Click it here!

Click here to start reading The Penis Enlargement Bible, and start growing your penis bigger than ever!

4.7/5 - (12 votes)

About the author 

Riley James

Riley has been insecure about his size and inexperience, plus the fact that whenever he finally got in he would come in seconds. Now, he’s finally improved his manhood, and wants to share that blessing with other guys by talking about his favorite products.

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  1. I’m a little bit embarassed to admit that, but actually I was the one to recommend this program to my BF. By the way, everyone is happy now 😉

  2. Where are all the men? If you want to have one large penis that every lady will be looking for then this is it. I had wasted a lot of money trying different people and remedies but they could not work. What i love about this program is that it works so well and fast enough. Unlike some other scam products, there are no side effects attached to this guide.

  3. The method seems to consist of two core principles. First, you need to increase the number of biochemicals in your body which promote the natural growth similar to when you were in puberty.
    Secondly, there are natural stretching exercises you can do which will then directly encourage penis growth.

  4. You get quick access to the book as it will be delivered electronically – you won’t have to wait until it arrives in the mail.

  5. This program teaches you how to ignite this biochemical reaction quickly and effectively using a series of gentle movements and natural ingredients to see a great increase in penis length and girth. It’s 100% safe and natural.

  6. This program teaches you how to ignite this biochemical reaction quickly and effectively using a series of gentle movements and natural ingredients to see a great increase in penis length and girth.

  7. This is great for privacy and for keeping your new secret weapon, a secret. If you don’t have a personal device, you can also forgo the download and access the program online through a private login.

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