You may be heartbroken and feeling useless in your sexual performance. And your partner despises you since you have failed to change even after her complaints. Probably, you would want to give your woman incredible body-shaking orgasms? Yet, you suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, and low sex drive.
Fortunately, Dr. Khan has formulated an ED solution to help men like you get thicker, harder erections on demand. And with no premature ejaculations. Equally important, his method doesn’t use drugs, hard exercises, or useless supplements. It’s a silent treatment, where your partner may not even know you’re on it. And you will feel like a teenager again. So you develop long-lasting relationships and a happy family. This Dr. Khan’s ED Solution review will help you decide if it may work and change your sex life.
What is Dr. Khan’s Ed Solution Method?
In a word, the doctor’s ED solution is a method formulated to help you achieve rock-solid powerful erections. And without using any dangerous prescription drugs. Through the program, you’ll discover the causes of the problems plus an all-natural solution to use at home. Additionally, the program will rejuvenate your erection and your sex drive to improve your performance.
Apparently, the program has three all-natural tips to deal with the root cause of ED. And the method doesn’t use dangerous drugs, supplements, or strenuous exercises. In the end, you will only use superfoods and soft exercises to change your sex life. No penis pumps, no injections, and no surgeries.
Which Doctors Created the Method?
Dr. Umer Khan, a surgeon and internal medicine specialist with a clinic located in Pocono, Pennsylvania created the ED Solution. Apparently, Dr. Khan has been working with men who suffer from varying degrees of erectile dysfunction (E.D.). He holds a Doctor of Medicine (Ph.D.) and an (M.D) in Internal Medicine.
So, he sifted through dozens of journals, papers, and books by some of the world’s top scientists. He covered erectile dysfunction, nutrition, cardiovascular disease, premature ejaculation, and sexual libido. He also looked at many PhD metrics on the association of dietary, circulation, and fatty acids supplements with Cardiovascular disease and coronary artery. Basically, he found that erectile dysfunction was one sign of a possible cardiovascular disease.
Some contributors in the journals included: Kenneth F. Schulz, PhD, MBA, Rebecca Beynon, MA, Nicky J. Welton, PhD, Lesley Wood, PhD, David Moher, PhD, Jonathan J. Deeks, PhD, Jonathan A.C. Sterne, PhD. Some of the doctors looked at lower levels of sodium intake and reduced cardiovascular risk. (Circulation. 2014; 129:981-9. [PMID: 24415713] doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.006032). Others study the role of Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. (Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;11:CD003177. [PMID: 30521670] doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003177.pub4).
Ultimately, it took him several weeks of hard work, but he came up with good materials. But, everything changed once he contacted Jack Grave, a health and sex expert, who had a record of helping men deal with problems in the bedroom. Then he studied the foods from selected herbs related to human exercise performance. (Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 167–175. doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.04.04).
Overview of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. This makes the victim experience inadequate libido, inefficient orgasm, and premature ejaculation. Of note, the failure to get an erection less than 20% of the time is not unusual and doesn’t require treatment. Nevertheless, the failure to achieve an erection more than 50% of the time means there’s a problem that needs treatment.
In recent times, ED is labeled as the most common sexual problem among pleasure-seeking males. It’s also a complaint of men of all ages, races, and cultures, but age is the most important risk factor for ED. Reliable data shows that nearly 100 million people around the world live with erectile dysfunction. Yet, only 10% of these 100 million, i.e., 10 million opt for treatment, despite enormous advancements and treatment facilities in all parts of the world
The many factors that may cause ED to include:
- Cardiovascular disorders and diabetes mellitus contribute to ED of organic origin.
- Vascular disease–Blood supply to the penis gets blocked or narrowed due to vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
- Neurological disorders (such as multiple sclerosis). Nerves that send impulses to the penis may get damaged from stroke, diabetes, or other causes.
- Psychological states. The states include stress, depression, lack of stimulus from the brain, and performance anxiety. The causes of psychogenic forms of ED are sexual performance anxiety, depression, and inhibited sexual drive.
- An injury could contribute to symptoms of ED.
- Chronic illness, certain medications, and a condition called Peyronie’s disease may also cause ED. Operations for prostate, bladder, and colon cancer may also be contributing factors.
- Organic causes of erectile dysfunction are found in 80–90% of ED patients. The organic causes include vasculogenic (i.e., arterial, cavernosal, and mixed), neurogenic, anatomical, and endocrine causes.
More worryingly, recent studies show that vascular endothelial dysfunction is a major cause of ED. This suggests that ED might be an early sign of cardiovascular disease. Indeed, patients with ED possess many risk factors associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). The risk factors include smoking, hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.
How Dr. Khan’s ED Solution Method Works
Dr. Khan bases his ED Solution method on superfoods, psychology, and simple penile exercises.
The Superfoods
Due to economic constraints, providing adequate modern medical care to all the people in developing, third-world African countries is an elusive dream. Therefore, for the treatment of ED in the rural, peri-urban, and some urban communities of Africa, it’s prudent to look for salvation in every traditional source of medicine for ailments such as ED, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, and other chronic conditions.
In Himalayan countries like Tibet and India, there’s a special tree Known to the Scientific community called Tribulus Terrestris (TT). It’s one of the most powerful erection-driving superfoods. In one study in Bulgaria, men were asked to take 1500 mg of (TT) daily. The leaves of this tree were dried and crushed into a powder that people mixed into beverages.
The Scientists found that after 12 weeks, the men in the test group reported vastly improved sexual function. Why? This was because Tribulus Terrestris powder contains nutrients that boost the production of nitric oxide in the body.
Nitric oxide improves blood flow into the penis to fill the Corpus Cavernoum tissues. The tissues harden and enlarge each time you get aroused. Eventually, higher levels of nitric oxide improve the strength and quality of your erection and thicken it too.
Exercising the Pubococcygeus (PC) muscle
Further still, the Dr. Khan ED Solution method uses the exercise of the PC muscle to work. Basically, the PC muscle is part of your pelvic floor. Apparently, the PC muscle surrounds the urethra at the base of the penis. So, it is the muscle you contract when you want to stop the flow of urine. In essence, when you exercise this muscle, blood flow to the penis increases.
Reportedly, this makes the penis increase in size and hardness. Also, it helps sustain an erection for a better and longer sexual activity. Moreover, you may exercise the muscle while sitting, standing, driving, or in the shower. And you may exercise it anywhere, and nobody will ever know.
To begin with, clench the PC muscle and hold it for 5 seconds. Then, relax for 5 seconds and contract it again. Repeat this ten times. The process takes less than two minutes. For the best results, don’t squeeze your thigh or butt muscles. And, to be sure you’re doing it right, try to stop your urine flow.
Following extensive research, Dr. Khan and many scientists found that stress or anxiety affects your sexual performance. Dr. Khan says even a single bad experience can throw you off a good erection and performance. Unfortunately, poor performance may cause a long-term psychological issue. In turn, this affects performance, and this becomes a vicious cycle.
One remedy is taking slow, deep breaths to help address psychological causes of ED like performance anxiety. Breathing in and out is science-based since it affects the nervous system. Basically, you have two nervous systems, the sympathetic (SNS) and the parasympathetic(PNS). The SNS is responsible for the “fight or flight” responses and speeds up body functions. On the other hand, the PNS slows them down as it controls the “rest and digest” body function.
In the end, when you inhale deeply, the SNS increases your heart rate to compensate for a shortage of blood when the body was at rest. Conversely, when you exhale, the effects get reversed, and the PNS relaxes the body that slows the heart down again.
Eventually, you reduce your stress, improve your performance, and gives you greater feelings of well-being. To sum it up, Dr. Khan recommends you try taking 5 deep breaths the next time you have sex. Additionally, inhale and exhale slowly to reduce anxiety, increases blood circulation, and improve your sexual performance.
Two key elements of the Ed Method by Dr. Khan
As inferred earlier, the solution by Dr. Khan contains two key elements
1.A fast and simple daily exercise routine
Take 5 five minutes each day to do a series of simple penis exercises. Fortunately, you may perform the exercises in the shower. So, no one will ever know that you’re doing them.
These penis exercises help with blood flow for harder erections and better performances. And they also allow you to last longer with each sexual activity for more orgasms and satisfaction.
2.A simple list of superfoods
You add the foods recommended by Dr. Khan to your diet. And the foods include a set of delicious ED smoothies. Plus, these superfoods are available in any grocery store and don’t cost an arm and a leg like many bizarre herbs.
Imagine you don’t have to make drastic changes to your diet. And that you only make a few alterations and add a few of these powerful ingredients to your diet.
More importantly, these foods are going to work inside your body, repairing the damage that age and food addiction, plus other causes have done to your body. These smoothies give you the exact ingredients it needs to maintain a powerful hardness . By the end of it all, you’ll feel energetic and get your sex hormones balanced.
Contents of the Method
Dr. Khan presents it in eBooks and audio. Here is a list of its contents.
- The “Getting Started” Guide. This guide explains all about ED, its causes, and how you can fight back.
- Penis Exercise Program. It explains how to strengthen your erections and last longer. In only 5 minutes each day, you might strengthen your erection and keep them going longer than you thought possible. And every exercise is well laid out and explained in detail.
- The Superfoods Eating Guide. You’ll learn food supplements to add to your diet (and what to avoid) for maximum sexual performance and the prevention and reversal of ED. More encouragingly, the ingredients are common, affordable, and easy to use.
- The Secret ED Eliminating Smoothie Guide. Specifically, study how you prepare delicious smoothies that pump your body full of the nutrients it needs to combat the root causes of the erection problem.
- Exercise Tracking Guide. No program is complete without a method for tracking your progress. It lets you record your progress of exercises and how you’re doing day by day.
Who is the Solution by Dr. Khan meant for?
Basically, the ED Solution method by Dr. Khan may help:
- If you ever had even minor difficulties achieving or maintaining your erection.
- Those concerned about getting older and losing their sexual prowess
- Should you feel that you aren’t lasting long in bed.
- If you want to improve your sexual abilities with stronger and long-lasting erections and feel like you’re a college couple again
- When you want to ramp up your sex drive and show her you’re the only man she’ll ever need
- Men who want to last longer in bed and please their partner more than ever
- Any man who occasionally fails to get the rock-hard erection he used to get
- All men who feel like they’ve tried everything
- That guy who can’t take ED medications because of a heart condition
- All guys who want to feel like they did when they were kids–that strong desire for their partner and the ability to act on it anytime
- Even the guy who’s doing okay now, and who just wants to make sure things stay that way – to give himself every advantage he can in the
The 4 Bonuses from Dr. Khan
The Solution by Dr. Khan gives you the following bonuses to ramp up your results and make you a better lover.
1.Relationship Rejuvenator
A quick guide to boosting your partner’s desire for intimacy. It explains all the reasons your partner’s sex drive might drop and how to address these fast.
It gives you fun, exciting activities to recharge her libido. And how to get her staring at you with new-found lust.
2.Fat Loss Fast System
In summary, the guide helps you lose unhealthy body fats. This helps since carrying excess weight is a major cause of ED. Here, you’ll discover the 2-part program of losing weight and keeping it off without hours of cardio or exercise.
E.g., learn more about Omega-3 fatty acids for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease from Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;11:CD003177. [PMID: 30521670] doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003177.pub4. Then, you learn about Omega-6 fats for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease from the Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;7:CD011094. [PMID: 30019765] doi: 10.1002/
3.The Bedroom Pleasure Prescription
Get a guide to reignite the passion in your relationship that may have dwindled. Since you’re going to be the virile lover again, learn the best secrets used by the world’s most accomplished lovers.
Get the tips for mixing up your routine and adding exciting new variety to get her in the mood. So you will be ready to experience the best sex of your life. And turn up the heat in your relationship and ignite her passion into a roaring flame.
4.Step-By-Step Sex Positions
Specifically, learn how to spice your life through 3 powerful sexual positions to drive her crazy in bed. Ultimately, she will get addicted to you.
Eventually, the tips will be so effective that you won’t survive without them. Regardless of how potent you think you are.
Benefits of using Doctor Khan’s Ed solution
- The Solution’s recipe contains Astragalus–a unique herb that works primarily on the nervous system and immune system. And it gets credit for increasing sperm count too. More still, Astragalus also targets the urinary tract and kidneys to maintain a healthy state.
- You’ll feel more energetic physically and sexually
- Your sexual hormones get balanced.
- Get your abilities to get and sustain a strong-impressive erection easier.
- And you’ll not worry if the next time with her you’ll be able to please her.
- No facing the shame and guilt of inability to get hard when you want to.
- Eventually, you get the reality of a long-lasting relationship which saves you money.
- It may make you avoid divorce without taking expensive erection medications.
- Ever after, you’ll live a happier life and a happy family since you’ll satisfy her in bed.
Frequently Asked Questions During the Ed Solution Method Review
When doing our review of the ED Solution by Dr. Khan, users had the following questions they wanted to be clarified.
Is the Ed Solution by Dr. Khan safe?
Certainly, a science-based program, by a legitimate medical doctor should be 100% safe. And it’s suitable for everyone regardless of age, gender or current weight. More encouragingly, it doesn’t use any drug, troublesome supplements, weird foods, or hard exercises.
And no one, not even your spouse or anyone else, needs to know you’re using it. Therefore, it’s a warrior’s secret. Plus, the warrior’s secret is safe and scientifically proven to improve your sex experience without side effects.
Does Dr. Khan provide good patient support?
Dr. Khan is very professional, knowledgeable, courteous, gentle, and he listens to his patients and their concerns. He educates his patients by talking to them and exposing the disease developments. So, the patients get knowledge about their problems.
The staff is as professional as their doctor. In fact, the office staff will greet you as you were in your own home with your family. Above all, you get different solutions as his patient, since Dr. Kahn will find what will work best for each patient.
In fact, one patient compared Dr. Kahn’s customer experience and care to an experience he had got from a dental clinic operated by Dr. Kahn. Reportedly, he never had any bad experience with procedures or staff. And, it was always a pleasant experience to be greeted at the desk by a receptionist using your name.
Plus, Dr. Kahn had a manner and expertise that assured the patient he was in good care. In a nutshell, the whole group at the office belonging to Dr. Kahn’s office was wonderful, caring, patient, and understanding.
Is it legit? Do consumers say it does work?
Encouragingly, our Dr. Khan’s ED Solution review shows it may work for men of all ages. Apparently, Dr. Khan has worked with men as old as 82 and as young as 21. In the end, he found it works in the prevention and reversal of erectile dysfunction.
Allegedly, it did work for every patient–regular guys, regardless of age, social status, or history. Above all, users reported thicker, longer-lasting erections, giving their women the night of their lives.
But users must be wary of fake sites that sell fake copies, overcharge, or sell their inadequate solutions labeled Dr. Khan. Because the title cries scam, you’ll think they had a horrible experience. In other words, when you search for Dr. Khan’s ED Solution in Google or another search engine, these sites show up with those types of titles in the listings. More often than not, this is an attempt to draw you into their site by making you think they used the product and had a bad experience.
But when you go to the page and read the review, it’s always an extremely positive, glowing review about how great Dr. Khan’s Solution is. Obviously, no real Dr. Khan’s ED Solution review will cry SCAM or claim it’s a terrible program in the title, only to offer a review that says the complete opposite. Equally important, you can find most of his ED Solution methods in the Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 167–175. doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.04.04.
Any warnings from the creators?
Notably, Copyright 2017 belongs to Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved. (Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 167–175. doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.04.04o.) Still, the third-party materials included on the website are protected under copyright law. Use of the website and any information contained therein is governed by the Healthgrades User Agreement. All Rights Reserved.
The content on Healthgrades does not provide medical advice. Always consult a medical provider for diagnosis and treatment. Users are advised to stick to materials sourced from the official site. They should avoid sites shouting scams without any experience of the product.
Where can I download Dr. Khan’s ED Solution for free?
Reportedly, some websites will try to draw your attention by claiming you can download Dr. Khan’s ED Solution for free. Their page titles might be something like, “Dr. Khan’s ED Solution Free Download PDF “. Then, when you get to the site, they try to justify it by saying it’s “risk-free.” Next, they direct you to a link to the official site where you are required to click and pay the product price.
Therefore, note that risk-free and free aren’t the same thing. The only free trial comes after you pay officially on the site. So you test Dr. Khan’s ED Solution risk-free for 60 days and get your money back if unsatisfied with the results. In short, Dr. Khan’s ED Solution is not a free program, and any site claiming a free download is dishonest. Or, it’s providing illegal copies that may not be good at all.
Do you offer promo codes or coupons to get a discount?
Another version of this same thing is the fake discount. “Buy through this link for 50% off”. Guess what, when you click the link, you go to the website where it’s the normal price. You may notice this on YouTube, where people make short 30-second videos claiming they found discount links to Dr. Khan’s Solution.
Yet, every time you check, you get disappointed since there isn’t any discount. In short, there is no discount since the sites will inflate the price, then claim a 50% discount, which turns out to be the official price.
How do I access Dr. Khan’s Erectile Dysfunction Solution?
When you click the get access button, you get directed to a secure sales page, with all rights reserved. Enter your personal and payment details. After you register your username and email, you can then log in. If you forget your password enter your email address. If the address matches an existing account, you’ll receive an email with instructions to reset your password.
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Which products do I get when I buy the product?
When you pay for the ED Solution by Dr. Khan, you get access to the following.
1.Get Hard System
2.Ejaculation Guru
3.Dr. Khan’s ED Solution
4.Get Hard System – Discounted
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In such cases, you’re requested to remain patient since generating a pub file may take a long time. And you may click Cancel “Download article” and switch to “Welcome to Pub Reader.” Or switch to classic article view.
What’s the pricing of the erectile dysfunction package?
The current one-time discounted price is low for such a method. The price caters for the doctor Khan’s complete ED solution including:
- The fast start guide
- Exercise routines
- Superfood plan and recipes
- ED reversing smoothie recipes
- The tracking guide
Do I get a money-back guarantee when I buy the ED Solution from Dr. Khan?
For confidence, you get an iron-clad guarantee from Dr. Khan if it has no effect and doesn’t work. In a word, you try Dr. Khan’s ED Solution for up to 60 days after you pay, and if you’re not 100% satisfied, you get your money back. No hassles. Just send Dr. Khan a message via the contact page on the official site.
That is if you don’t experience improved erections and you don’t get harder than you’ve ever been in your life. Plus, if you’re not hornier than you’ve been since high school, and your partner isn’t ecstatic about your performance. Or if you don’t like the fonts he uses in the guides.
Why do I need to buy the ED Solution by Dr. Khan now without delay?
Interestingly, the creator Dr. Khan urges you to consider the following before you turn down his offer.
- To begin with, you’ll learn the secrets of preventing and reversing ED without dangerous drugs and worthless pumps. And without painful injections or invasive surgeries too.
- Secondly, imagine if you could reverse your ED in just a matter of weeks. Plus, ensure you get stronger and long-lasting erections anytime you wanted them.
- And if you never had to worry that she might step out on you because you aren’t living up to her sexual expectations.
- Plus, if you feel like your marriage is slipping away because of a lack of intimacy.
- Additionally, if given a choice, what would you pay to perform as a teenager again?
- Above all, count the cost if you would take Viagra once or twice a week? And, you need to remember that three doses of Viagra cost more than this method. Then, add the cost of visits to the doctor when taking Viagra, and consider the embarrassment of going to the pharmacy to pick up your erection pills.
- Or conversely, how much will you incur on a divorce? And the divorce cost involves splitting up your home and selling off your assets to pay lawyers.
In the end, our conclusion based on our thorough review shows that Dr. Khan’s ED solution works. In his eBook, Dr. Khan teaches you virility foods to boost your testosterone level and get rid of erectile dysfunction from your body system. For the care and treatment of ED, Dr. Khan’s proposed superfoods, PC muscle exercise, and breathing exercises seem to work. And with no side effects.
So, for the treatment and care of ED, try this all-natural method by Dr. Khan. And you get a 100% money-back guarantee after you buy. Ultimately, you get an iron-clad guarantee. That is if you don’t get a hard erection on demand and if your partner doesn’t approve of your performance. Or if you don’t last longer in bed. Just message Dr. Khan to get your money back. And with no questions asked.