Speak To Spark Arousal Review: What Words Make Women Want You?

Speak To Spark Arousal A Hidden “Sexual Tripwire” In The Female Brain

February 12, 2023 in Make Women Want You

Can’t grab a woman’s attention? Well, I don’t blame you. It gets a bit hard to understand women but not that hard. You just have to become utterly handsome! Just kidding! But really it’s not as much as hard as most men think it is. If you just follow the right steps and say just the right amount of words you will be taking a lady home that day. Yes! You might think it’s unbelievable; that how can say some words would impress a girl. Well, it does.

Women tend to dig guys who are more confident and comfortable in themselves. That’s why we see many wrong guys taking girls home just by knowing how to flirt and you being the right guy left alone. It doesn’t have to be this way. If you are a perfect guy but aren’t finding any woman to give your heart to.

If you really want to change the scenario then you better read this review. Because I’ll be told just how to Speak To Spark Arousal will help you get the girl of your dreams. Speak To Spark Arousal is a solid beginner’s product that mainly targets making you attractive to a woman using only conversations and boundaries. The author is Jessica J who was a female dating coach who specializes in teaching men how to become more successful with women.

In simple words, this guide will definitely help you to improve your skills, teach you the ways of interacting with women and create a connection with them. And you don’t have to change much of yourself either. It will help you bring out the true potential of lying within yourself.

About Speak to Spark Arousal

Speak To Spark Arousal is a step-by-step dating guide that aims to teach men how to make women find them attractive in just under a few seconds of conversation. It helps you make women go crazy over you by using a technique called the overriding effect.

The product was created by Jessica J. who is a marriage counselor, men’s dating coach, therapist, and Playboy radio host. Jessica J. thinks a man who has tried to get a woman but wasn’t successful is simply not using the override method as it can trigger a specific sexual need that is embedded in every woman.

Speak To Spark Arousal Now

About Speak to Spark Arousal

Speak To Spark Arousal is a program that helps to eliminate the firewalls that every woman creates to prevent men from getting and understanding the way a woman thinks. The program helps in understanding any women and getting them to like you regardless of what their social status is.

The package helps you understand women and get them to go on a date with you regardless of how you look or what your bank balance is. You’ll just learn the art of seduction and any girl you want will be yours.

Learn How You Can Speak To Spark Arousal Too – Click This Link And Make Women Want You By Choosing These Words!

Who Is Jessica J?

Jessica J had first gained prominence when she was featured in the media for having the number one most popular dating profile amongst women in Los Angeles. She is also a marriage and family therapist and had her own blog focused on a single girl’s sex life. And this makes her highly qualified for creating the program and becoming a dating coach.

She further grew her writing skills as a ghostwriter for the sex advice company 2 Girls Teach Sex. After that she was featured as a host in a show called Playboy Radio, trying to help people who are not good at dating and sex. She helped tons of men on that show to bring out the true potential in them. She is specialized in helping men understand women.

A Wolf or A Dog?

When you will buy Speak To Spark Arousal you will see that Jessica used a lot of metaphors to give you a better understanding of all the facts. One of the most important is finding out whether you’re a dog or a wolf. Throughout the guide, she explains how a woman is attracted to wolves and not dogs.

Mainly the guys who are really proud of their sexual appetite are the ones who score a goal when it comes to women. It’s because this makes them stand out in the crowd and any other guy in her life. Confidence is the key, my friend. And Jessica described how this one factor just turns the table around. Moreover, she discusses how to harness that sexual prowess and get you fed. This is the main difference between wolves and dogs.

Dogs mainly wait to get fed by performing some tricks. On the other hand, Wolves fed themselves. And that makes them more attractive and unique. To sum it up, women like men who aren’t afraid to take control and be themselves. There are so many men out there that wait around for getting that feedback from women but lose when someone else takes the girl away.

You just have to make sure that you find a woman who can give you what you need and you give her what she needs. It needs to be mutual. There are a lot of exercises to change your way of thinking and put it into action.

Who Is Speak To Spark Arousal For?

The Speak To Spark Arousal eBook can be useful in a variety of settings, but there are three in particular.

Your relationships are frequently short-lived. You’ll discover how to make females look at you differently by following the rules in the book. Girls are more likely to shun men who remind them of ex-boyfriends. You will stand out from the crowd as a result of this course.

You want to get out of the buddy zone. Nothing is worse than going unnoticed as a prospective companion for the girl you love. But there’s always a way out, and SSN will teach you how to get from ‘just a buddy‘ to ‘lover.’

You’re not very good at attracting ladies. Some men are simply not built to seduce beautiful women. If you believe you are one of them, take some time to go through this information.

Why You Should Get It

“When nobody around you seems to measure up, it’s time to check your yardstick.”-Bill Lemley

Speak with Spark Arousal is a great mine of information for newbies who have never actively gone out to chase ladies before. It is short and to the point, with little filler stuff. The principles are simple to grasp and use in practice. You could read through all of the content in one sitting and grasp the majority of what was said.

It instills in you a very healthy perspective – you are the one who adds value and should never enter a conversation with an empty cup.

You’re giving her “a gift,” and if she rejects it, it’s her loss. That’s why you should quit pursuing ladies who aren’t good for you, but you shouldn’t be ashamed of desiring them and, more importantly, putting yourself first. As Jessica confesses, the males who are proud of their sexual hunger are the most appealing and go the furthest.

Because this product is created by a woman, Speak to Spark Arousal provides you with the unique opportunity to experience things through the eyes of a girl and gain insight into female psychology. This is something that many programs do not provide because the bulk of dating products are created by males. Through many instances, you will learn what turns women on and what the most common mistakes guys make in the eyes of a woman.

What do you get?

In the Speak to Spark Arousal Course a, lot of information is provided for you to learn the ways of how to turn on women and make them trust you. When it comes to women, the more you the better.

Make them naughty

There are certain ways to make a woman think of naughty feelings. And also have naughty thoughts just after having a conversation with you. The guide explains the ways very thoroughly.

Special technique

There is a special technique that will help you to plant sexual arousal, sexual thoughts, and ideas gently into a woman’s mind. The technique works like a charm.

Choose What to Say

“The golden rule is of no use whatsoever unless you realize that it is your move.” – Frank Crane

You will learn how you can effectively use sexual statements when you’re having a conversation with a woman. You will be turning her on a low key and she will be completely clueless.

Make Her Curious

This is the best part. The course tells you how to amplify the curiosity level of a woman making them willing to always engage in a conversation with you. It can be done either through text messaging or one on one contact.


A specific phrase that you must say to a woman within the first ten seconds when you’re in a conversation with her. So, she will see you differently than other guys she encountered.

Make the Disagreements go away

The guide illustrates how to tackle all the disagreements she comes up with. And also how you can successfully remove all the fears she has about seriously dating you.


Yes, you have to silence in between conversations to build up the sexual tension between you two and how you can use it.

Speak To Spark Arousal Now


There are lots of bonus guides that are completely free and come with the package.

What Next to Say Guide: In this guide, you will learn what you should say to a woman and what you shouldn’t. While there are lots of guys that mess up these talks and lose their chance to the girl, this guide will help you to make a good conversation and know just what to say in various situations.

Natural Conversation Starters Guide

This guide gives you the best thing ever! You will receive over 30 effective phrases that you will need to start a natural conversation with a woman. The phrases are chosen as so to help you eliminate her defenses and lower your level of rejection.

Speak To Spark Arousal Natural Conversation Starters Guide

Friend Zone Escape Hatch Guide

Uhh! Friendzone really ruins everything, right? But in this guide, you are taught precisely what to do and say to successfully escape the man killing Friendzone and make any woman practically beg you relentlessly to be your girlfriend.

Positives of Speak to Spark Arousal

The system has positive reviews: The system that the author created has many positive reviews. There are many positive results and has helped many men who tried it for themselves. As it’s based on real-life events, you can easily relate to the program.

Affordable investment: The package comes at a very affordable price. The amount of money that you put on all the expensive stuff for impressing a woman will all go to waste if you don’t have this guide. It’s wiser to spend money on something that will actually help you to woo a girl than spending it on something of uncertainty.

The author is qualified and legitimate: The program is legit as the writer Jessica J. has all the qualifications. And she has the power to write a guide for men. Being a marriage therapist and dating guru the program she created is surely authentic.

Well-structured and Simple: Speak to Spark Arousal is quite easy to understand. The author has made all the steps and procedures easy and fun to read.

Money-back guarantees: The program comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee once you buy it. According to the author, if the methods don’t really help you in any way then you should defiantly ask for a refund. And you will be refunded no questions asked.

Any Drawbacks?

Not For All Men

The guide mainly focuses on casual relationships. So, if you are looking for something longer-lasting it’s not for you.

Needs Time and Dedication

You have to be dedicated to the guide and be patient. You won’t be a guru of seduction in just only one day. It takes time to get all the techniques right. So, if you don’t have patience you won’t probably benefit from it.

Available Only Online

The guide can only be found online. So, if you are looking for a hard copy you won’t be able to get it.

The Bottom Line

Speak to Spark Arousal is one of a kind product for beginners to help you attract more women. It mainly focuses on what to say and when to say the magic words to make women go crazy over you. As a woman gives the guide it actually gives a lot of insights about a women’s world and how to get through it.

Not even a single technique taught here is difficult. You will have great tactics for making women want you. It gives good ideas of what things work instead of specific lines to use.

If you want a change in your life and be the ultimate wonder man that every girl wants then you should definitely give a shot at it. So, what are you waiting for? Go and get all the ladies you can get.

Say The Right Words To Trigger Desire In The Woman You Want To Have – Click This Link To Get Speak To Spark Arousal Today!

4.9/5 - (18 votes)

About the author 

Casey Curtis

Casey Curtis has been wanting to go on more dates, and even more importantly than that he wanted to go on better dates. That wasn’t possible until recently, when he started using the methods taught in courses he found. He’s started reviewing and sharing his experience inside this blog.

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  1. I am a timid guy and always have been. Still, I liked this girl and had no idea how to get her to even look at me. We are together since February, she moved in with me, and we might even get married. Who would have thought? Thank you so much for your support!

  2. I have always had my eyes on this girl in awhile now. I was losing hope that I could never get her to like me because I’ve always been shy about confronting the people I like.
    Surprisingly, I was only a book away to get this girl I want. We started hanging out and have done really intimate things. It’s just perfect right now.

  3. I am a little introvert and I have a hard time in making dates. I decided to make a researched online and luckily I found this Speak To Spark Arousal which is a great help. I thought this is crazy but as I go along and read the book I see that they have a solid framework to go from meeting a woman to dating her, based on naturally being yourself. It’s mainly focused on what to say to make girls feel more connected to you. Because it’s from a woman’s perspective it gives you a different take on these ideas that are typically taught by men. She also teaches techniques on how to be more playful and interactive.

  4. Your speech patterns can determine your destiny. That is what I had heard of as a myth in my childhood but to the fate of my boyfriend, it became the truth to him. He had some problem in expression and that really caused chaos in his life. He could not really communicate with people and that very thing was real disturbing for him! Now that he hit puberty and it hit him, he needed someone to love and he could not just spit that out. This one has helped him get me and I hope it helps others as well!

  5. Very organized and written in an interesting manner, and basically any guy should understand everything without any problem.

  6. Men, this is your best tool that you can use. Myself I was surprised by the kind of information that I could source from the guide. Well explained steps that any one can understand. The truth is that I have had a problem with women for a long time. I never knew how to talk to them or bring them closer to me. You can be sure that I am now a pro and more than happy.

  7. The way to a women’s heart is through her ears. They die on what they listen and that is why there is a dire need of a guidance for what to say to a woman and when to say what! That is what this guide is all about.

  8. Speak to Spark Arousal is a good beginner’s level product to help you meet, attract and date more women. It’s mainly focused on what to say to make girls feel more attracted and connected to you. Because it’s from a woman’s perspective it gives you a different take on these ideas that are typically taught by men.
    There isn’t anything too complicated here, and it’s a good option for guys who want to meet more women without changing who they are or learning more advanced ‘tactics’. There are parts where you’ll need to fill in the blanks a bit yourself, as there aren’t as many examples as what some men will need. It’s more about giving you ideas of why things work, rather than specific lines to use.

  9. Where are you men? If you get this guide you will be astonished to find out how easy it is to deal with women. All you have to do is follow some very simple secrets in this guide and they will be following you all over. It has helped me get women i never thought i could have.

  10. Speak to Spark Arousal is a solid beginner’s product that focuses on attracting women through better conversations and healthy boundaries., this product will help you to improve your social skills, teach you how to talk to women and create lasting connections with them, all without changing much of who you are as a person. Its core concept lies in bringing out your true potential in your interactions with the opposite sex.

  11. This is great. I have seen what it can do because i am the victim. It is amazing since it provides the best and most effective secrets anyone can think of.

  12. Speak To Spark Arousal may be the answer you’ve been looking for. With step by step instructions you can master what it takes to be considered her one and only.

  13. You will learn how to fight the fear of rejection and of failure, and how to initiate a genuine conversation without having to shield your fears. It also focuses on having a healthy mindset and proper boundaries.

  14. Some of the sexual advice and more explicit tips are helpful. Again, provided by a woman, they do ring true, and this is an angle obviously missing in training put together by male dating gurus. Refreshing in a genre that is almost completely dominated by guys.

  15. You can either be the dog, who chases after everything by trying to be pleasing and approval seeking and hoping for a belly rub, or you can be the wolf who controls its own fate and goes for the kill when it smells blood.

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  17. If you truly want to be successful with women, you need to have healthy boundaries and demonstrate that you aren’t just some guy who would do anything to be with one.

  18. For someone so seemingly savvy about sex and with so much experience in the field of sex, the actual methodology on offer in Speak to Spark Arousal is disappointingly limp and hardly arousing.

  19. Those who know how to flirt might get away with the nice ladies and end up breaking their hearts, while you will be left with basically nothing although you are the perfect guy.

  20. It seeks to help you bring out your true personality in a conversation with a woman instead of trying to mask it and hide it, and it teaches you how to respect the boundaries of the other person instead of teaching you the most aggressive ways to break it and dominate her.

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